First Harvest Credit Union made a very generous charitable donation to The Arc of Cumberland County. Each quarter the employees select a local non-profit and they raise funds for that organization.
The employees selected The Are of Cumberland County for the previous quarter. It was great meeting their team. Special thanks ot Leslie Gonzalez for recognizing The Arc. Thank you Everyone!!
A special Thank You to Maria Vienna and Holly Giese from Encompass Health Rehabilitation for delivering 4 amazing food baskets to The Arc. The staff from Encompass Health Rehabilitation collected all the groceries and created 4 individual baskets for Thanksgiving. Along with everything you could possibly need for a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner, they also provided gift cards so families could purchase a turkey and any other special items.
The Arc staff then passed the baskets on to four families in need. This is the fourth year that Encompass Health Rehabilitation has made these baskets. We thank everyone involved for making Thanksgiving so special for our families. We are truly grateful for this wonderful partnership.
Representatives from the Cumberland County Department of Public Works initially approached our Board of Trustees about four years ago to gauge their interest in an improvement project they were considering that would impact our traditional entrance and exit areas from Sherman Avenue and require the reconfiguration of our on-site parking areas. Specifically, they were developing a proposal that would ultimately widen Sherman Avenue in the immediate area of our Evanoff Center and construct a new access road opposite the entrance to the Inspira Medical Center that would lead to our building as well as to the county buildings located in the rear and west of our property. Our existing entrance and exit would be replaced with curbing that would extend the entire frontage of our property. Throughout the history of our Evanoff Center, left turns exiting the property onto Sherman Avenue have been particularly challenging and the influx on travelers over the years on this road have only made the situation worse.
The road improvement project has now created a totally new access road opposite the Sherman Avenue entrance to the Inspira Medical Center that presents us with a traffic light controlled entrances and exits from our building. Left hand turn only arrows provide for safe entrance and exits at all times. Additionally, our parking lot has been reconfigured to include a new 4 space parking lot in front of the Evanoff Center to make up for the loss of three spaces from our original eastside parking area.
Although there are still a few minor issues to be resolved, the overall project was completed in March of 2023 at no cost to the Arc of Cumberland County. Many thanks to Doug Whittaker, Director of the Cumberland County Engineering Division, Dante Romanini, Past President of the Arc of Cumberland County Board of Trustees for his guidance in the planning phase of this project, and Jackie Steiner, our Executive Director, and her staff for their oversight of the project during its construction phases.